Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What is Home?

As I approached University and looked at what faced me (leaving home and starting my own adult life) I became very nostalgic. What had made my childhood special and what made it home? I decided that maybe if I brought the memories with me I would always be home no matter where I lived. 

This poem was from that time in my life and captures the moment when I realized "home" was not a place but instead an idea that I could take with me.  

What reminds you of "home"?

Home is the hot water bottle pressed along your neck
Home is standing still on your tree house deck
Home is those penny sweets that fizz on your tongue
Home is the doc leaf soothing the nettle that stung
Home is the movies that tell tales of love
Home is the heartache you will rise above
Home is the madness of a tired day
Home is all the secrets you cannot say
Home is dealing with the people that stare
Home is doing the things you didn’t dare
Home is having sisters that know where you’ve been
Home is having friends through the thick ‘n’ thin
Home is growing old while thinking young
Home is having your dreams yet to be sung
Home is wincing at the crazy things you’ve done
Home is realising the distance you have come
Home is the enemy you chose to forgive
For home is in your heart and the way you chose to live

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Year, New Ambition

Happy New Year!

In this new year I have new goals to achieve. It has taken me years to realize not to compete too much with other people but instead to find happiness in just being myself even if someone next to me is seemingly achieving more. If I see someone this year slightly ahead of me in my photography goals then I should learn from them and not resent them for getting there first. 

I was awake at 4am in Shanghai China (as far away from my home life as I could get), when I wrote this poem. It was a turning point in my life when I realized that I had made my own path in life and it didn't matter what my sisters, or friends were doing, my path was the right one for me.

Lost in transformation

Bored of my life, and doing the same thing
I left to find what Asia would bring
To lose myself in a world so far apart
To filter the true poems from my tearful heart
But as I stood in a crazy world alone
I suddenly realized I missed home

You can travel to places you want to see
To meet the people you dreamed to be
But the truth of it all and what you need to do
Is find some peace in just being you

In a city of people, on a crowded street
I wonder why there’s a beggar at my feet
They run around in a mad hurried dash
Pushing past the guy, who eats from the trash
In this chaotic and strange way of life
I find a hundred chopsticks but no f-ing knife

You can travel to places you want to see
To meet the people you dreamed to be
But the truth of it all and what you need to do
Is find some peace in just being you

Lost in translation is an excellent phrase
As I struggle to speak and am left in a daze
Now in a night so warm and painfully long
I realize this experience is making me strong
For I never was really me and never understood
How I’d ever feel happy doing different than others would

To travel to places was always the key
To meet the people I dreamed to be
But the truth is that, I learnt to see
I’m perfectly content just being me

You can cross oceans, soar in the cloudless air
Push to limits only others would dare
But to save your sanity and in part your health
Find a true happiness, in just being yourself