Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What is Home?

As I approached University and looked at what faced me (leaving home and starting my own adult life) I became very nostalgic. What had made my childhood special and what made it home? I decided that maybe if I brought the memories with me I would always be home no matter where I lived. 

This poem was from that time in my life and captures the moment when I realized "home" was not a place but instead an idea that I could take with me.  

What reminds you of "home"?

Home is the hot water bottle pressed along your neck
Home is standing still on your tree house deck
Home is those penny sweets that fizz on your tongue
Home is the doc leaf soothing the nettle that stung
Home is the movies that tell tales of love
Home is the heartache you will rise above
Home is the madness of a tired day
Home is all the secrets you cannot say
Home is dealing with the people that stare
Home is doing the things you didn’t dare
Home is having sisters that know where you’ve been
Home is having friends through the thick ‘n’ thin
Home is growing old while thinking young
Home is having your dreams yet to be sung
Home is wincing at the crazy things you’ve done
Home is realising the distance you have come
Home is the enemy you chose to forgive
For home is in your heart and the way you chose to live

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